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Politics Social media

Human Rights Commissioner warns Labor not to rush social media laws

Australia’s Human Rights Commissioner has raised concerns about Labor’s crackdown on digital platforms, warning that rushed laws to impose minimum age limits on social media could cause more harm than intended. Source: Canberra Times.

Abortion Politics

Senator wants abortion on the national agenda as debate engulfs state politics

Coalition senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price wants abortion on the national agenda, declaring pregnancies ended after the first trimester are immoral and arguing late-stage abortions were akin to infanticide. Source: The Age.

Abortion Politics

Politicians urged to insist on conscience votes on life-and-death issues

Labor Party and trade union stalwart Joe de Bruyn has urged politicians across all parties to insist on their right to a conscience vote on life-and-death issues such as abortion and euthanasia. Source: The Australian.

New South Wales Politics

Archbishop Fisher calls for rejection of ‘Equality Bill’

Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP says a proposed New South Wales bill “will have a direct impact on people of faith, as well as vulnerable women and children”. Source: Crux.

Indigenous Politics

Minister sends message to Opposition counterpart on anniversary of Voice defeat

Indigenous Affairs Minister Malarndirri McCarthy is urging Opposition counterpart Jacinta Nampijinpa Price to sit down with her one year after the defeat of the Voice to Parliament referendum and restart the reconciliation process. Source: The Australian.

ACT Politics

­­­­­­­­ACT Liberals vow no change on VAD as Labor promises more palliative care

The Canberra Liberals say they would not change the forthcoming euthanasia scheme despite unsuccessfully pushing for amendments before the laws passed and the majority of their members voting against it. Source: Canberra Times.

Misinformation Politics

Human Rights Commission raises concerns over misinformation bill

The Australian Human Rights Commission has warned that Labor’s proposed laws to combat online misinformation do not “strike the appropriate balance” between protecting free speech and moderating content. Source: The Australian.

Misinformation Politics

Bishops say second version of misinformation bill has serious flaws

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference says the Albanese Government’s misinformation bill leaves a question mark over what is considered a “reasonable” religious belief. Source: The Daily Telegraph.

Politics Queensland

Bishops urge voters to stand for truth and dignity at Queensland election

Church leaders are calling on Queenslanders to stand for truth and human dignity as they head to the ballot box this month. Source: The Catholic Leader.