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New team to integrate formation and engagement in schools
After a six-month strategic review, Brisbane Catholic Education will integrate its Catholic Identity and Religious Education teams to focus on formation and engagement across its South East Queensland school communities.
Initiatives aim to enhance student outcomes and staff wellbeing
Catholic Schools Broken Bay (CSBB) has launched two significant initiatives aimed at enhancing educational outcomes and supporting staff wellbeing.
New Catholic school to open in Adelaide growth area
South Australia’s newest Catholic school will open at Riverlea Park in Adelaide’s northern suburbs in 2027. Source: Southern Cross.
Driver charged after truck crashes into Catholic school classroom
A truck has ploughed through 19 cars and into a southwest Sydney Catholic school classroom in a shocking crash that miraculously only caused minor injuries. Source: Daily Telegraph.
New director appointed for Catholic Education in Rockhampton
Rockhampton Bishop Michael McCarthy, has announced the appointment of Mr Michael McCusker as the new Director of Catholic Education for the Rockhampton Diocese effective from July.
Principals face escalating levels of physical violence from students
School leaders have reported high levels of resilience despite facing the worst recorded levels of physical violence, threats of violence, and bullying in the 13-year history of ACU’s annual Australian Principal Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Survey.
Catholic schools support program for Indigenous students
Michael Nayler says it is great to see so many Catholic secondary schools are part of the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation program, which supports student educational costs in year 11 and 12. Source: The Catholic Leader.
Another Catholic school hit by asbestos crisis
A Catholic school in Sydney was closed yesterday after asbestos-contaminated garden mulch was discovered on its grounds during a search for the toxin strewn across dozens of public spaces in New South Wales. Source: The Catholic Weekly.
New law would require SA private schools to release more data
Catholic and independent schools in South Australia would be forced to reveal how often they suspend students, how many serious incidents occur on school grounds and how many complaints they receive, under proposed new laws. Source: The Advertiser.