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Church offers prayers for family of student killed in shark attack

Prayers are flowing for the grief-stricken family of a Catholic school student who was killed in a shark attack at a popular surfing beach on Queensland’s Bribie Island on Monday. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Tragedy Tributes

Catholic school teacher remembered as ‘friend and mentor to many’

A former principal and semi-retired teacher has died after falling through a school roof in Melbourne’s inner west last week. Source: The Age.


Community candlelight vigils honour Bondi victims

Hundreds of people from across Sydney ended the city’s most horrific week in years by gathering at two candlelight vigils to commemorate the victims of Bondi’s knife attack. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Bishops Tragedy

Bishops offers prayers and condolences in wake of Bondi attack

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has offered its prayers and condolences in the wake of Saturday’s Bondi Junction attack. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

In The Dioceses Tragedy

Eastertide joy turns to tears as Sydney mourns victims of knife attack

The joy of Eastertide has turned to shock and bewilderment across Sydney’s Catholic community in the wake of a deadly knife attack at Bondi Junction Westfield shopping centre, in which seven people died and a dozen were injured. Source: The Catholic Weekly.


Child dies in lift accident at Sydney Catholic school

Broken Bay Bishop Anthony Randazzo has expressed sadness after a 10-year-old boy died after becoming trapped under an elevator at a Catholic school on Sydney’s Upper North Shore yesterday. Source: Sydney Morning Herald and Broken Bay Diocese.


‘Heartbreaking loss’ for Armidale family

Armidale Diocese has expressed its condolences to its diocesan financial administrator after three of his children and their grandfather were killed in a light plane crash near Canberra on Friday.

Prayer Tragedy

Diocese offers prayer and pastoral support for local community after bus crash

The Maitland-Newcastle Diocese has offered prayers, sympathies and support to those affected by the Hunter Valley bus crash and will host memorial liturgies in the local church at Singleton and in Sacred Heart Cathedral, along with other pastoral support.

Crime Tragedy

Sr Phil’s family in court to hear MH17 guilty verdict

Sr Philomene Tiernan RSCJ was a force to be reckoned with, patient, determined and strong, but to Dermot Tiernan she was simply his Aunty Phil. Source: Margaret River Mail.