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Families United Kingdom

Ahead of British elections, bishop calls for more support for families

A leading Catholic bishop in England says “the single most important factor in a child’s flourishing is the stable relationship of their parents”. Source: Crux.

United Kingdom

Care for the poor key to election, UK Catholics urged

After British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called a snap general election, Catholics have been urged to campaign on issues around “caring for the poorest and most marginalised people both here and overseas”. Source: The Tablet.

United Kingdom

British Government decision ‘vote of confidence’ in Catholic education

The British Government has announced plans to lift the notorious faith-based admissions cap on new free schools, in a move described as a “vote of confidence” in Catholic education. Source: Catholic Herald.

Appointment United Kingdom

Pope appoints new head of UK Ordinariate

Pope Francis has appointed Fr David Waller as the next Ordinary and the first Bishop Ordinary of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in the United Kingdom. Source: Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales.

Gender United Kingdom

Bishops of England and Wales speak out against gender ideology

Gender ideology and its language should be resisted in all Catholic institutions, according to a new document by the bishops of England and Wales. Source: Catholic Herald.

Asylum-Seekers United Kingdom

Catholic charities in Britain condemn passing of Rwanda bill

Church, refugee and human rights groups have described the passing of the UK Government’s Rwanda Bill, which will see asylum-seekers sent from the UK to Rwanda, as “a dark day” and “cruel”. Source: The Tablet.

Religious Freedom United Kingdom

Church leaders in Scotland raise concerns over new hate crime laws

Church leaders have expressed concern that some passages in the Bible or the Catechism of the Catholic Church could be deemed offensive under Scotland’s new hate crime legislation and that “vexatious” complaints under the law are now likely. Source: Angelus News.

Euthanasia United Kingdom

British archbishop says Catholics must fight euthanasia campaign

The United Kingdom is gripped by the “aggressive promotion” of doctor-assisted killing, according to a British archbishop who has urged Catholics to write to their local MPs to resist changes to laws prohibiting euthanasia. Source: Catholic Herald.

United Kingdom

British cardinal offers prayers for King Charles III after cancer diagnosis

British Cardinal Vincent Nichols offered prayers for King Charles III after Buckingham Palace announced on Monday that the King would step away from some public duties amid treatment for cancer. Source: CNA.