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International recognition for Australian Catholic University bioethicist

Bridget Pratt, from the Queensland Bioethics Centre at Australian Catholic University, has been recognised globally as a research leader in her field. Source: Catholic Health Australia.


Vatican ‘lexicon’ to help navigate debate on end-of-life issues 

The president of the Pontifical Academy for Life says public debate on end-of-life issues seems more widespread every time states and nations consider new laws dealing with bioethics and because of social media. Source: CNS.

Bioethics Human Dignity Vatican

New Vatican document lists violations of human dignity

Being a Christian means defending human dignity and that includes opposing abortion, the death penalty, gender transition surgery, war, sexual abuse and human trafficking, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith says in a new document. Source: OSV News.

Bioethics Health Vatican

Pope warns against inequality in healthcare and clinical research

Inequalities in healthcare and clinical research must be prevented, Pope Francis has told medical doctors, health practitioners, researchers, ethicists and other experts attending a conference at the Vatican. Source: CNS.

Appointment Bioethics

ACU names new director of ethics centre

Australian Catholic University and its healthcare partners have announced the appointment of Xavier Symons as the incoming director of the Plunkett Centre for Ethics.

Bioethics United Kingdom

UK court denies teenager’s wish to fight for her life

A Catholic bioethics institute in the United Kingdom has criticised a court for denying an “alert and conscious” teenager the legal right to fight a move to put her on end-of-life care against her will. Source: OSV News.