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Report finds women’s humanitarian leadership important but undervalued

A new report from Caritas Australia has found that humanitarian workers across the world overwhelmingly believe gender diversity improves humanitarian responses.

Synod Women

Women’s ordination remains off the table at Synod

Pope Francis decided the question of ordaining women deacons was not to be discussed at the 2024 Synod of Bishops, according to the Vatican’s doctrinal chief. Source: OSV News.

Synod Women

Synod to expand consultations on women’s ministry

The Vatican group studying the question of women’s ministry will expand its consultative phase to include women who do not serve as consultors to the dicastery in charge of the study group, Synod officials announced. Source: CNS.

Synod Women

Obsession over women’s ordination harmful, Bishop Randazzo says

Controversy over women’s ordination, even at the Synod, detracts attention from the plight of women in the Church and society, Broken Bay Bishop Anthony Randazzo said on Friday. Source: Catholic Review. 

Synod Women

Synod rules out women deacons 

A Synod on Synodality study group responsible for evaluating the female diaconate has said that, while still exploring other forms of women’s’ involvement in the Church, they will not become deacons. Source: Crux.


The power of having a ‘sister in Christ’

The Emmaus program, a mentoring initiative of Sydney Archdiocese’s Catholic Women’s Network, is launching officially after its successful pilot year. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Violence Women

Australia must take gendered violence ‘as seriously as it takes terrorism’

The enormous task of ending gendered violence in this generation has been laid bare in the first annual update on the progress of the National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children. Source: ABC News.

Synodality Women

Visiting theologian stresses importance of laity in the Church 

Dutch theologian Myriam Wijlens discussed the value of listening, the journey of synodality, and the importance of diversity and inclusion in the Church at a public lecture hosted by Parramatta Diocese. Source: Catholic Outlook.

In The Dioceses Women

Bernadette ‘shocked’ to win Mary Magdalene Award

Maitland-Newcastle Diocese has named Bernadette Newton from the Myall Coast Parish as the winner of the 2024 Mary Magdalene Award, which recognises women who make a difference to their community. Source: MNnews.Today.