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Pope Francis

Pope to release new encyclical on the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Pope Francis will publish the fourth encyclical of his pontificate on Thursday on “the human and divine love of the heart of Jesus Christ”. Source: CNA.

Synod Women

Women’s ordination remains off the table at Synod

Pope Francis decided the question of ordaining women deacons was not to be discussed at the 2024 Synod of Bishops, according to the Vatican’s doctrinal chief. Source: OSV News.

Abortion Politics

Politicians urged to insist on conscience votes on life-and-death issues

Labor Party and trade union stalwart Joe de Bruyn has urged politicians across all parties to insist on their right to a conscience vote on life-and-death issues such as abortion and euthanasia. Source: The Australian.

In The Dioceses Saints

Diocese celebrates second installation of a relic in two weeks

Broken Bay Diocese has celebrated its second installation of a first-class relic in as many weeks, this time in Carlingford. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

People Prayer

Parents attribute son’s recovery to the power of prayer

The parents of a young Adelaide boy who was the victim of a hammer-throwing accident have spoken of their gratitude for the groundswell of prayers they believe helped save him. Source: The Southern Cross.

Refugees Social Services

Catholic volunteers lend support to refugee families arriving in Australia

Refugee families are receiving vital settlement support in Australia through a program being delivered by Catholic Care Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains. Source: Catholic Outlook.


‘Terrorists burned everything, but not our faith,’ say Burkina Faso Christians after massacre

At least 150 people, including many Christians, were killed in the Burkina Faso town of Manni earlier this month, in what turned out to be a brutal terrorist rampage. Source: Catholic Review.

United Kingdom

English archdiocese’s U-turn on decision to close churches

A Catholic church in England in which a Victorian-era mystic was said to have received rapturous visions of the Crucifixion has been saved from closure. Source: Catholic Herald.

Southeast Asia

Filipino bishops join fight against political dynasties

Two bishops in the Philippines have called for the country’s election commission to disqualify powerful political dynasties from contesting the 2025 mid-term elections, saying it violates a constitutional ban. Source: UCA News.