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Vatican Weapons

Vatican calls for moratorium on ‘killer robots’

As the use of autonomous weapons systems becomes an increasingly prominent feature of modern warfare, the Vatican is backing new restrictions on AI-driven lethal autonomous weapon systems. Source: Crux.

United Nations Weapons

Vatican envoy to UN says nuclear weapons ‘an existential threat’

The Holy See’s Permanent Observer to the United Nations in Geneva has addressed a UN committee on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. Source: Vatican News.

Vatican Weapons

Cardinal warns against Ukraine using NATO weapons to strike Russia

Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin said allowing Ukraine to use NATO weapons to attack military targets in Russia would lead to “an escalation that no one will be able to control anymore”. Source: Catholic Review.

Europe Weapons

Peacemaking vital as militaries adopt AI weapons

The Catholic bishops of England and Wales have called for new treaties to regulate weaponised drones and lethal autonomous weapons systems. Source: The Tablet.

Saints Weapons

Threat from nuclear weapons as great as ever, US archbishop warns

A United States archbishop has warned the threat from nuclear weapons is as great now as ever, and their destructive power is more immediate than climate change. Source: OSV News.


Bishops hail UN summit on nuclear weapons as ‘journey towards hope’

A cohort of Japanese and US bishops has applauded a meeting of nations that have formally joined the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons as “another historic step on the journey toward hope, toward the light, toward a world free of nuclear weapons”. Source: Crux.


Holy See urges nations to sign on to convention banning cluster munitions

A Holy See delegation at a meeting of nations who are parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions has urged countries that have not yet done so to sign the treaty, which prohibits the “use, development, production, acquisition, stockpiling and transfer of cluster munitions”. Source: NCR Online.