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Euthanasia Queensland

Bishop Harris calls out VAD fear campaign ahead of Qld election 

Townsville Bishop Tim Harris says a fear campaign was being spread over the fate of voluntary assisted dying legislation ahead of Queensland’s state election. Source: The Catholic Leader.


Archbishop Costelloe addresses Synod forum in Rome

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference President Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB yesterday delivered an address at the Theological-Pastoral Forum for the Synod in Rome. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Abortion South Australia

South Australia’s upper house votes down late-term abortion law proposal

South Australia’s upper house has narrowly voted down a proposal to amend abortion laws that would have required people wanting to terminate their pregnancy after 28 weeks to deliver their baby alive. Source: ABC News.


Eileen O’Connor’s sainthood documents delivered to the Vatican

Eileen O’Connor’s sainthood cause is now in the hands of the Vatican, after Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP delivered documentation compiled in Sydney to Dicastery for the Causes of Saints prefect Cardinal Marcello Semeraro. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Aged Care Ethics

ACU health care ethicists call for radical rethink of aged care

Australian Catholic University health care ethicists are calling for a fundamental shift in Australia’s approach to aged care that puts people before profit.


Priest visiting from Mongolia embodies work of Catholic Mission

World Mission Sunday will be celebrated this weekend under the theme, “Go and invite everyone to the banquet”, reflecting the inclusive mission of sharing God’s love with all. Source: Catholic Mission.

Ecumenism Pope Francis

Pope hopes for reconciliation between divided Christians

Pope Francis has called on divided Christians to overcome their doctrinal differences and walk together in love, expressing hope especially for greater unity between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. Source: Catholic Review.

United States

Cardinal tells Catholic voters to pray and reflect before US election

Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington, DC, says he hopes voters who are as concerned as he is about the “anger and vitriol” of the United States election cycle will take time away from the media to think and pray about the values important to them as Catholics. Source: CNS.

Art History

Vatican unveils ‘iconic statue’ after years of restoration work

The Vatican Museums this week unveiled one of its most celebrated acquisitions, the Apollo Belvedere, after years of intensive restoration work by Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums (PAVM) on the ancient marble statue. Source: CNA.