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One of the billboards in Rome promoting the Latin Mass (CNA/Daniel Ibañez)

A group of Traditional Latin Mass supporters in Italy has sponsored a billboard campaign in a neighbourhood near the Vatican. Source: CNA.

The campaign includes about a dozen billboards in four different designs. They were put up Wednesday and will stay in place for 15 days, according to its organisers.

Each billboard features a quotation in support of the Latin Mass from either Pope Benedict XVI, St John Paul II, or Pope Pius V.

Across the top, the billboards say: “For love of the Pope. For the peace and unity of the Church. For the liberty of the Traditional Latin Mass.”

A QR code on the billboards takes readers to an article about the Latin Mass from the website

The billboard campaign follows recent restrictions to the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass as laid out in Pope Francis’ 2021 apostolic letter Traditionis Custodes and other Vatican documents.

Members of the organising committee are participating in the campaign in a personal capacity, according to a press release. They said they “wished to make public their profound attachment to the traditional Mass at a time when its extinction seems to be planned,” the press release stated.

“They do so out of love for the Pope, so that he might be paternally opened to understanding those liturgical peripheries that no longer feel welcome in the Church because they find in the traditional liturgy the full and complete expression of the entire Catholic faith … Those who go to the ‘Latin Mass’ are not second-class believers, nor are they deviants to be re-educated or a burden to be gotten rid of,” the press release said.


‘For love of the pope’: Latin Mass supporters post billboards near Vatican (By Hannah Brockhaus, CNA)


New pro-Latin Mass posters build on a long Roman tradition (Crux)