Archbishop Paul Martin SM was installed as Archbishop of Wellington on Saturday at St Teresa’s Pro-Cathedral in New Zealand’s capital, saying it was “a blessed bonus” that the installation coincided with the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Source: NZCBC.
Mary is a living example of what love looks like, he said.
“A woman of deep love too for God and for us. I do feel blessed to be taking up this calling as Archbishop of Wellington on this day, under the mantle of the immaculate heart of Mary, as I begin this vocation of service to the Church of the Archdiocese of Wellington.”
In a post-communion homily and words of thanks, Archbishop Martin said the Church doesn’t exist in some ethereal domain without bodies and people who have lives with all the joys and sorrows that make it up.
“I am very aware that we are the Church together,” he said. “If the Church is going to do anything it has to be we who do it. We can’t be waiting for some magical other to do it, it is us – you and me, with our hangups and foibles, our talents and skills.
“This is what I am looking forward to working with you all on for the future of our Church in the archdiocese and indeed for Aotearoa New Zealand. We are living in challenging times but the Good News is still that, and I have great trust in God at work in our world, and through each one of us.”
Archbishop Martin was appointed Coadjutor Archbishop of Wellington in January 2021, to assist and eventually replace Cardinal John Dew, who retired last month on reaching his 75th birthday.
Previously, Archbishop Martin was the Bishop of Christchurch.
Homily texts and video from Archbishop Paul Martin SM’s Installation Mass (NZCBC)