A much-needed boost is on the way for Jobseeker and those receiving rent assistance, but Australians on other Centrelink payments will have to wait and see whether a similar-sized increase will hit their accounts. Source: News.com.au.
Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth confirmed the increase, which occurs every six months, will increase Jobseeker by $16 a fortnight from September, taking the base rate to $749.20 a fortnight.
The increase is expected to come into effect in line with the Albanese Government’s proposed $40 increase to the Jobseeker payment that was announced in the May budget.
“I’m able to confirm that rate will be $56,” she told ABC’s Insiders program on Sunday morning.
The Government indexes some Centrelink payments to bring them in line with inflation twice a year – once in March and once in September.
Ms Rishworth confirmed the September indexation had been calculated at 2.2 per cent, in line with the inflation figures over the past six months.
But she would not guarantee other payments, such as the aged pension and parenting payment (single parent), would be lifted at the same rate.
Australians receiving Commonwealth Rent Assistance will also receive an additional $16 on top of the 15 per cent increase announced in May.
“The support that people will get through that, if they’re on the maximum rate, will be between $18 to $37 extra a fortnight,” Ms Rishworth said.
Despite being under pressure to do more after revealing an expected $20 billion budget surplus, the Government has again hosed down expectations of any further cost-of-living relief.
Jobseeker to increase by additional $16 in September (By Courtney Gould, NCA Newswire via News.com.au)