Caritas Australia has launched its annual Lenten fundraising and awareness appeal, Project Compassion, this year with the theme “For All Future Generations”.
For the six weeks of Lent, schools, parishes, organisations and individuals across Australia are encouraged to donate to the Project Compassion appeal or participate in fundraising events.
This year’s theme has been drawn from the story of Moses’s encounter with the burning bush in Exodus 3:1-20. In the scripture, Moses encounters a bush that is burning but not consumed. God tells Moses that he has heard the cry of his people. God responds to injustice and chooses Moses to speak to Pharaoh. Moses is scared, but God promises, “I will be with you”. All the time, God remains a mystery. Moses wants more detail, so God simply says that this is the same God who has been longing for justice for the whole of history: “By this name I shall be invoked for all future generations.”
During Lent, Project Compassion will highlight stories of people who have been directly supported by the generosity of Caritas Australia supporters.
This year’s Project Compassion stories include Ronita, a 22-year-old mother of two in the Philippines. Ronita returned school to complete her education with the help of the Faithful Companions of Jesus.
There is also the story of Memory, who was selected by local leaders in her community in Malawi as a candidate for a vocational skills course. She now works for one of Malawi’s largest power companies and is a role model for other young women.
“During Lent, we are invited to take up the call to fast, pray and give alms. From natural disasters to widespread conflict, the events of the past year mean that many communities need your support,” said Kirsty Robertson, Caritas Australia CEO.
“Supporting Project Compassion is a way for us to proclaim the faith that is in our hearts and help our sisters and brothers in need.”
Details: https://www.caritas.org.au/project-compassion
Caritas Australia launches Project Compassion 2024 (Caritas Australia)