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CathNews, the most frequently visited Catholic website in Australia, is your daily news service featuring Catholics and Catholicism from home and around the world, Mass on Demand and on line, prayer, meditation, reflections, opinion, and reviews. And, what's more - it's free!

The UserWay logo (Supplied)

CathNews readers may have noticed a blue circle with a white figure on the right-hand side of the website. It’s not a glitch.

We are trialling software called UserWay, which improves the accessibility of the website for people with disabilities.

There are a number of features which can be accessed by clicking on the blue circle.

A key feature is the “screen reader”. By clicking on “screen reader”, selecting the speed for the audio, and then double-clicking on the top paragraph of a story you want to read, a voice will read the story through your computer speaker.

You can also use the “accessibility menu” to make the type size bigger, highlight links, improve the contrast of the screen, get rid of photos, enlarge the cursor, change the alignment of text and modify the page structure.

UserWay has been installed on more than a million websites around the world to make content accessible for people with disabilities.

Like UserWay, CathNews believes digital access is a human right and participation in society requires ensuring there are no barriers to accessing online content.

We value your feedback.

If you have any questions or comments about the UserWay trial, please contact [email protected]