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Health Technology

Headsets connect doctor to patient – in high definition

Catholic Healthcare is using Microsoft’s holographic headset HoloLens to carry out telehealth appointments between residential care nurses and remote doctors. Source: iTnews.

CathNews Technology

CathNews trialling accessibility software

CathNews readers may have noticed a blue circle with a white figure on the right-hand side of the website. It’s not a glitch.

In The Dioceses Safeguarding Technology

Perth Archdiocese wins international award for digital transformation

The digital transformation of Perth Archdiocese’s record management processes, spurred on by a commitment to safeguarding, has won global recognition. Source: The eRecord.

Education Technology

English teachers split on legitimacy of digital games as a learning tool

More than half of Australian high school English teachers believe digital games are a legitimate text type to use in their teaching programs, but just 15 per cent have done so, Australian Catholic University research shows.

Digital Life Technology

Global meeting to map future for universities in AI age

Academics and Church leaders will discuss the impact of artificial intelligence at a gathering of Catholic research universities in Milan this week. Source: ACU.

Disability Health Technology

Virtual tour shows challenges of living with intellectual disability 

An Albury study by disability service provider Mercy Connect has used virtual reality to give users a first-hand glimpse of what living with an intellectual disability is like. Source: Catholic Health Australia.

Pope Francis Science Technology

Pope asks academy to study ethics of new technologies

Pope Francis told the Pontifical Academy for Life yesterday that it faces an enormous task in evaluating the ethics of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and human enhancement. Source: National Catholic Register.

Ethics Technology

Interfaith leaders join Vatican push for AI code of ethics

Representatives of the Muslim, Catholic and Jewish faiths have come together at the Vatican to sign a document calling for a code of ethics for the use of artificial intelligence. Source: CNS.