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Canberra-Goulburn Vicar for Education Patrick McArdle, left, Vicar General Fr Richard Thompson, Ross Fox and Leah Taylor (Catholic Voice)

A world of exploration and wonder has blossomed for children around the Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese, with the launch of the Early Years Religious Education Curriculum. Source: Catholic Voice.

Already in use at Catholic Early Learning Centres in the archdiocese, Canberra-Goulburn Catholic Education Director Ross Fox said the curriculum was designed to harness children’s natural curiosity.

“It encourages exploration and discovery,” he said.

“We know that children have so much to learn. They learn well in many instances through play, but they need to have an opportunity through intentional teaching, exposure to rich vocabulary and rich knowledge to become the people they are capable of being – human beings fully alive, which is absolutely what we aspire to for them.”

The curriculum document, Exploring, Learning, and Wondering, includes prayer celebrations, liturgy outlines, and engaging activities.

“The curriculum is entirely consistent with the outcomes of the Early Years learning Framework, and it does have an emphasis, which we share, on the holistic education of each child,” Mr Fox said, addressing educators at the launch.

“Under your work and focus, it will continue to grow in its clarity and influence on the lives of our students, hopefully as they begin a journey of more than 13 years in Catholic education, starting here at our Early Learning Centres.”

Mr Fox said the curriculum developed children’s knowledge and understanding of religion by teaching about Jesus and familiarising them with the Church and prayer.

General manager Leah Taylor said Catholic Early Learning Centres were increasingly seeing children who had never known God.

“For them, it might be the beginning of an interfaith dialogue. For others, it is the first time that they begin to know that they are deeply loved by God,” she said.

“For us to be able to give that gift to our students is an amazing blessing for us and an amazing blessing for them.”


Developing children’s knowledge of Jesus, church and prayer (By Veronika Cox, Catholic Voice)