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The action plan has been launched during Laudato Si’ Week (Southern Cross Care)

Southern Cross Care NSW & ACT has taken a significant stride in its commitment to social justice and environmental sustainability this Laudato Si’ Week (May 19-26) with the launch of its first action plan.

The Living Care: Plan for People and Planet 2024-2027 strategic document encompasses a holistic approach to enhancing the Catholic aged care organisation’s operations, fostering community engagement across office environments, aged care homes, and retirement communities, and improving the sustainability of service vehicles. 

The plan highlights the organisation’s dedication to listening and adapting while ensuring that every voice is heard and every action counts. 

Structured into seven pillars, the plan reflects a goal inspired by Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical, Laudato Si’ “on care for our common home”. 

Southern Cross Care NSW & ACT chief executive Monique Reynolds said the organisation’s mission is deeply intertwined with the core principles of social justice and environmental stewardship. 

“We see the Living Care Action Plan as a means to concentrate and amplify our ongoing commitments to environmental sustainability, social equity, and the wellbeing of our staff, residents, and clients,” she said. 

“Transparency and accountability are important to us, so we will be publicly reporting our progress each year,” Ms Reynolds said. 

The first progress report, marking the milestones achieved and outlining the path forward, will be released in 2025.

The detailed plan is available on the Southern Cross Care NSW & ACT website.

Southern Cross Care NSW & ACT Launches Living Care Action Plan for People and Planet (Southern Cross Care NSW ACT)