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World Mission Sunday will be celebrated on October 19 (Catholic Mission)

In his message for World Mission Sunday, Pope Francis highlights hope and unity and emphasises how people can collectively turn faith into action. Source: Catholic Mission.

The message, “Missionaries of Hope Among All Peoples”, was published on February 6, ahead of the celebration of World Mission Sunday on October 19.

In the message, Pope Francis calls on everyone to strengthen global solidarity in response to growing humanitarian challenges.

Catholic Mission, guided by Pope Francis’ words, is committed to contributing to and amplifying this message of hope in Australia and beyond. 

This message aligns with the 2025 Jubilee theme, “Pilgrims of Hope,” reinforcing the link between faith and concrete action. 

Pope Francis called for deeper collaboration across cultures and societies, emphasising that the Church’s universal mission is to unite people, bridging divides through shared compassion and service. 

He said true mission was not about reaching out from a distance but about journeying side by side with the people most in need, embodying the love and compassion of Christ.

As the world faces increasing challenges, this call to action urges everyone to embrace their role as missionaries of hope.

This year, Catholic Mission invites the faithful to become a missionary of hope.

Read Pope Francis’ message for World Mission Sunday 2025.


 Hope and Action at the Heart of Pope Francis’ Call for World Mission Sunday 2025 (Catholic Mission)