Christians are living “under bondage” in northern Nigeria, according to a local bishop in Nigeria’s Middle Belt, where the predominantly Muslim north meets the predominantly Christian south. Source: Crux.
Kaduna State has imposed limited Sharia law in areas with a Muslim majority.
During a March 8 webinar sponsored by Aid to the Church in Need, Archbishop Matthew Man-oso Ndagoso of Kaduna said it is increasingly difficult to build Churches or other Christian infrastructure in northern states like Kano, Sokoto, Katsina, and Zamfara.
“For over 60 years, no single certificate of occupancy has been given officially to any Christian community to build a church, except in the early 90s when one governor who was a Catholic – a military governor – gave a certificate of occupancy. So, in this part of our country, Christians aren’t free to practice their faith as the Constitution demands, because if I am not free to build a church, if I am not free to get land, you cannot tell me that I am free,” the archbishop said.
“The Christian community in the area has been living under bondage, especially in regard to their capacity to practice their faith,” he added.
“Christian children cannot be taught their religion. You won’t even be allowed to employ and pay Christian religious leaders, but in the same schools, the government doesn’t only allow for the teaching of Islam, the government uses public funds to employ teachers to teach the Islamic faith. So, there is a clear case of discrimination designed to dampen the morale of the Christian community.”
Bishop-elect Mark Nzukwein of Wukari said despite the attacks on Christians, the Church of Nigeria still has hope.
“We have never, ever, given up hope. It is our hope in Christ that things will eventually get better. Our faith has been kept alive because of the hope we have in Christ,” the bishop-elect said.
Christians in Northern Nigeria living ‘under bondage,’ says archbishop (By Ngala Killian Chimtom, Crux)