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Cody Burdon (Hobart Archdiocese)

The new chief executive officer of Centacare Evolve Housing, Cody Burdon, said he was committed to helping Tasmanians in need due to the lack of safe, affordable housing. Source: Hobart Archdiocese.

“My vision for CEH is to continue being a leader in providing secure social and affordable housing to those in need, while deepening our commitment to building strong, connected communities,” said Mr Burdon, who started in his new role on September 16.

“I aim to maintain our focus on compassion, ensuring that everyone we serve feels a sense of belonging and empowerment.

“Ultimately, I want CEH to not just be about housing, but about creating opportunities for personal and communal growth,” he added.

Mr Burdon has worked in several roles for the Hobart Archdiocese over the past nine years, starting out as Group Accountant then transitioning to Financial Controller for both CatholicCare and CEH.

Eventually he became chief financial officer overseeing the financial management of various Archdiocesan agencies. He also served as fund manager for the Catholic Development Fund.

He said his main goals as CEH’s new chief executive would be “strengthening our partnerships with community organisations and government, continuing to take an active role in addressing Tasmania’s housing challenges”.

“Over the past decade, CEH has been a leader in the proactive delivery of new housing, and I am committed to building on that momentum to ensure even more homes are provided for those in need,” Mr Burdon said.

“Another key goal is to enhance the support and services we offer our tenants, ensuring that they not only have a safe and secure place to live, but also access to the tools, resources, and opportunities needed to build fulfilling, empowered lives.”

Mr Burdon said he was most excited about the opportunity to have a lasting, positive impact on the lives of Tasmanians in need.

“Housing is so much more than just a roof over someone’s head—it’s the foundation for stability, security, and opportunity. I look forward to working with the incredible team at CEH to continue providing not just homes, but a sense of community and hope for all those we serve.”


New CEO committed to helping Tasmanians in need (By Catherine Sheehan, Hobart Archdiocese)