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Pope Francis with Archbishop Giovanni D’Aniello at the Vatican in 2022 (CNS/Vatican Media)

In a letter to his nuncio in Russia, Pope Francis called out those who would claim Russia’s war on Ukraine had any spiritual justification. Source: CNS.

Saying he wanted to speak on behalf of the war’s victims, Pope Francis said that “their cry rises to God, invoking peace instead of war, dialogue instead of the din of weapons, solidarity instead of partisan interests, because one cannot kill in the name of God”.

Russian leader Vladimir Putin and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill of Moscow have both claimed God is on Russia’s side as they promoted the war as, in part, a fight against the “evil” West. 

The Pope had written in November to his nuncio in Ukraine, sending assurances of his sorrow and his prayers on the 1000th day since Russia began its invasion in February 2022.

His latest letter to Archbishop Giovanni d’Aniello, the nuncio in Russia, was dated December 12 and printed on the front page of the Vatican newspaper on December 14.

As people prepare for Christmas, “the day on which the son of God, prince of peace, appeared on the earth,” Pope Francis said he wanted to share with his nuncio in Russia “my prayer and my heartfelt appeal that peace would reign among people and would be reborn in the hearts of all men and women, who are loved by the Lord.”

The continued fighting, the Pope said, “urgently challenges us, reminding us of the duty to reflect together on how to alleviate the suffering of those affected and rebuild peace.”

Pope Francis also said that he hoped people’s prayers and the humanitarian efforts to alleviate people’s suffering would “pave the way for renewed diplomatic efforts, which are necessary to halt the progression of the conflict and to achieve the long-awaited peace.”


Pope says there’s no religious justification for Russia’s war on Ukraine (By Cindy Wooden, CNS)