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Census Parish Life Research

‘Social profiles’ help parishes serve their communities

Profiles of 1230 Catholic parishes across Australia have been published, offering a wealth of insight they can use to better serve the needs of their local communities. Source: ACBC.

Politics Schools

Catholic school leaders say report an attack on faith communities

Parents of low-fee Catholic and independent schools would be hit with higher school fees if the Albanese Government doesn’t rule out a radical proposal to scrap tax deductions for donating to school buildings, education leaders say. Source: Daily Telegraph.

Jubilee 2025 Prayer

Year of Prayer ‘preparing the groundwork’ for Jubilee

The Year of Prayer is about preparing the groundwork for the 2025 Holy Year, so it can spiritually enrich the life of the Church and be a sign of hope for the world, the Vatican said yesterday. Source: CNS.

Aged Care Eastern Rite

Bishop welcomes first resident to new Mercy Health home

Our Lady Mercy Place Harris Park residential aged care facility has officially welcomed its first resident, as it opened its doors in the Greater Western Sydney suburb on Monday. Source: Maronite Eparchy. 


Little Amal brings big message to Australia

A giant doll raising awareness about the millions of young children caught up in the horrors of war and conflict will walk on Australian soil for the first time after travelling through 15 countries to promote peace. Source: Canberra Times.


School Savvy answers the call for back-to-school support

With uniform, stationery and back-to-school stocks replenished, Centacare Far North Queensland’s School Savvy program has broken past records in providing help to families to start the school year. Source: Australian Rural and Regional News.

Central America

Purge of Catholic clergy creating ‘spiritual vacuum’ in Nicaragua

Human rights defender Bianca Jagger has accused the Nicaraguan dictatorship of creating a spiritual vacuum in the country by its purge of Catholic clergy. Source: OSV News.

United States

Bishops urge US to cut military spending 

A group of 18 bishops has signed a letter calling for the United States to cut military spending and instead invest in ending poverty. Source: NCR Online.

Environment South East Asia

Church in the Philippines hold prayer assembly against mining

The Church in the Philippines held a prayer assembly to highlight the adverse impacts of mining on a historic, mineral-rich island in the archipelago. Source: UCA News.