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Fr Chris de Souza named general secretary of Bishops Conference

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has appointed Fr Chris de Souza, currently serving as one of two vicars general in the Diocese of Parramatta, as its new general secretary. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Appointment Bishops

Bishop Ken Howell appointed seventh Bishop of Toowoomba

Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Ken Howell, who has served as Auxiliary Bishop of Brisbane since 2017, the seventh Bishop of Toowoomba. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Appointment Charity

New president for Caritas Internationalis

Caritas Internationalis elected Archbishop Tarcisius Isao Kikuchi SVD as its new president at a gathering in Rome last week. Source: Crux.


Mission and mum inspire new CatholicCare CEO

Newly-appointed CatholicCare Tasmania chief executive Julia Mangan credits her Catholic education in Adelaide and watching her mother work in the public housing sector as major influences in her life – both personally and professionally.

Appointment Religious Orders

General secretary elected provincial, to leave Bishops Conference

Fr Stephen Hackett MSC has been elected provincial superior of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Australia and will conclude his time as general secretary of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference in July. Source: ACBC Media Blog.


Pope announces new appointment for Bishop Randazzo

Pope Francis has appointed Broken Bay Bishop Anthony Randazzo to the role of Apostolic Administrator of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross, Australia.

Appointment In The Dioceses

Armidale Diocese appoints new administrator

Armidale’s College of Consultors has elected Msgr Edward Wilkes as diocesan administrator to lead the regional New South Wales diocese following Bishop Michael Kennedy’s installation as the Bishop of Maitland-Newcastle.

Appointment Synod

Archbishop Costelloe joins Synod preparatory commission

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference president Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has been appointed as a member of the preparatory commission for the general assembly of the Synod of Bishops in October. Source: OSV News.


Sacred Heart Mission chief named president of ACOSS

Hang Vo, the chief executive of Melbourne homeless service Sacred Heart Mission, has been announced as the new president of the Australian Council of Social Service.