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Appointment Synod

New Synod of Bishops role for Archbishop Costelloe

Pope Francis has appointed Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB as a consultor of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Appointment Health

Catholic Health Australia appoints new policy directors

Catholic Health Australia has appointed two new directors to build capacity across the peak advocacy body’s health and aged care divisions.

Appointment Bioethics

ACU names new director of ethics centre

Australian Catholic University and its healthcare partners have announced the appointment of Xavier Symons as the incoming director of the Plunkett Centre for Ethics.

Appointment Education In The Dioceses

New appointments for ‘passionate’ advocates of Catholic education

Catholic Education Western Australia executive director Debra Sayce will step down from the role at the end of 2023 to take up a new position in the Perth Archdiocese, the bishops of Western Australia have announced.


Catholic Health Australia board elects new chair 

The board of Catholic Health Australia has elected Jenny Parker as its new chair for the next 12 months. With over three decades in the health sector, including in her current position as health and life sciences leader for EY Oceania, Ms Parker brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role.


St Vincent’s Private Hospital Lismore appoints new CEO 

St Vincent’s Private Hospital Lismore has a new chief executive officer with the appointment of Alan Cooper, who began in the role last week.

Appointment Education

Armidale appoints new director of schools

Armidale Catholic Schools has appointed Regina Menz as its new director of schools. Ms Menz will take up the position on January 19. Source: Armidale Diocese.

Appointment Education

Catholic Education Wilcannia-Forbes names new director of education

Wilcannia-Forbes Bishop Columba Macbeth-Green OSPPE has announced the appointment of Paula Leadbitter as director of Catholic education in the diocese, who will take up the role in January.

Appointment Health

Catholic Health Australia appoints new CEO

Catholic Health Australia has appointed Jason Kara as its new chief executive officer to steer the peak advocacy body at a “critical time for the care sector”.