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Asylum-Seekers Immigration

Concern for human rights as Nauru detention centre fills up

The growing number of men transferred to the Nauru Processing Centre are distressed and being denied access to human rights information, according to an independent advocacy group representing many of the detainees. Source: ABC News.

Asylum-Seekers Immigration Politics

Albanese vows no turnback on Operation Sovereign Borders

People who arrive by boat seeking a better life or even asylum “won’t be settled in Australia”, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said yesterday as he doubled down on his Government’s commitment to the Coalition’s Operation Sovereign Borders. Source: The Australian. 

Asylum-Seekers Opinion

Compassion goes missing when it comes to asylum-seekers and refugees

Australians are good at responding to national emergencies with neighbourly deeds, but where is our compassionate response to the asylum-seekers and refugees living on our shores, asks Sr Catherine McCahill SGS. Source: The Good Oil.


Asylum-seekers taken to Nauru amid renewed political stoush  

More than 40 asylum-seekers have been taken to Nauru after they were found in a remote part of Western Australia. Source: The Guardian.

Asylum-Seekers Politics

Independent MPs back call for royal commission into immigration detention

Asylum-seekers and refugee advocates are demanding the Albanese Government establish a royal commission into immigration detention. Source: Canberra Times.


Dozens of asylum-seekers released following High Court ruling

Eighty asylum-seekers being held in immigration detention were released almost immediately following last week’s High Court ruling that they were being kept unlawfully. Source: ABC News.