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We have to live in synodal Church to understand it: Archbishop Costelloe
Reflecting on last month’s Synod on Synodality assembly, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB described “being a synodal Church” as an experience that “we have to live in order to understand it”. Source: America Magazine.
Bishops call on people of faith to join them in praying for peace in Holy Land
Australia’s Catholic bishops are “praying for a lasting peace” in the Holy Land and have called for people of faith to pray with them. Source: Australian Catholic Bishops Conference.
Outspoken critic of Pope removed from leadership of US diocese
Following a recent visitation and several instances of outspoken opposition to the current papacy, the Vatican announced on Saturday that US Bishop Joseph Strickland has been removed from the leadership of his Texas diocese. Source: Crux.
Call for Church to be welcoming, healing and hopeful
A senior Vatican official who served as Apostolic Nuncio to Australia has told the country’s bishops that the Church is being called to be welcoming, healing and hopeful in a world challenged by war and unrest. Source: ACBC Media Blog.
‘The Lord was the centre of their lives,’ Pope says at memorial Mass
Pope Francis celebrated a memorial Mass in St Peter’s Basilica on Friday for Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal George Pell and the other five cardinals and 147 bishops who died over the past year. Source: CNS.
All six NZ dioceses now have a bishop after Pope appoints Bishop of Hamilton
Pope Francis has appointed Fr Richard Laurenson as Bishop of Hamilton Diocese in New Zealand, the Vatican announced last night. Source: NZCBC.
Former Brisbane priest appointed bishop for Nigeria’s new diocese
Former Brisbane-based priest Fr Gerald Musa has been appointed by Pope Francis as the bishop of the newly-created Katsina Diocese in northern Nigeria. Source: The Catholic Leader.
It’s superstitious to pin everything on the Holy Spirit: Archbishop Fisher
Catholics must be careful about “blaming everything on the Holy Spirit” during the Synod on Synodality, Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP has said in an interview. Source: CNA.
New Zealand priests told to be ready for journey into the unknown
New Zealand’s Catholic priests have been told by Brisbane Archbishop Mark Coleridge to fasten their seatbelts for a journey of change from which there is no going back. Source: NZ Catholic.