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Christmas Vatican

Vatican Nativity scene to honour 800th anniversary of St Francis’ creche 

On the 800th anniversary of St Francis of Assisi setting up the first Nativity scene, the creche in St Peter’s Square in 2023 will come from the Italian Diocese of Rieti, and pay tribute to the scene set up in the diocese in 1223. Source: OSV News.

Christmas Eastern Rite Ukraine

Ukrainian Greek Catholics to celebrate Christmas on December 25

From this year, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church will celebrate Christmas on December 25 instead of January 7 and the Epiphany on January 6 instead of the 19th. Source: Vatican News.


The hope of Christmas is light for a troubled world: bishops

The celebration of Jesus’ coming into the world is a beacon of hope in a troubled world beset by war and a nation tested by devastating floods and rising cost-of-living pressures, Australia’s bishops have said in their Christmas messages.