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Ecumenism Pope Francis

Pope hopes for reconciliation between divided Christians

Pope Francis has called on divided Christians to overcome their doctrinal differences and walk together in love, expressing hope especially for greater unity between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. Source: Catholic Review.

Ecumenism Synod

Synod an opportunity ‘to overcome walls’ between Christians

Halfway through the Synod on Synodality, Pope Francis and Synod participants prayed that God would “remove the divisions between Christians” so that they could proclaim the Gospel together. Source: CNS.


Historic ecumenical event a sign of unity between sister churches 

Dialogue is key to Christian participation in the divine life, the Ecumenical Patriarch of the Orthodox Church told attendees at a historic ecumenical event at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney, yesterday. Source: The Catholic Weekly. 

Easter Ecumenism

Easter belongs to Christ, not our calendars: Pope

As all Christians prepare to celebrate Easter together in 2025, Pope Francis said the preeminent Christian celebration belongs to Christ and not to earthly calendars or plans. Source: Vatican News.

Africa Ecumenism

African Catholics say synodality also a call to Christian unity

As Rome prepares for the Synod of Bishops on Synodality next month, Catholics and other Christian leaders in Africa are exploring the possible implications of the process for closer ties among the various Christian communities on the continent. Source: Crux.

Ecumenism Environment

Religious groups have role to play in climate action

Respecting the God-given dignity of the human person and the integrity of God’s creation “are inseparable,” Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople said in his message for the September 1 World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. Source: OSV News.


Christian unity the main course at ecumenical lunch

Christian unity was on display in Canberra during an ecumenical lunch for the leaders of the capital’s Christian communities. Source: Catholic Voice.


National ecumenical forum looks to deeper purpose

In its 30th anniversary year, the National Council of Churches in Australia held its 11th National Forum in Adelaide last weekend, writes Stephen Downs. Source: The Southern Cross.


Ecumenism and papal primacy: Vatican releases status report on dialogues

The reason why the 2024 edition of the Vatican yearbook has re-inserted “Patriarch of the West” as one of the Pope’s historical titles appears to be a response to concerns expressed by Orthodox leaders and theologians. Source: OSV News.