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Women bring unique contribution to theology: Sister
Men may have predominantly overseen the academic domain of theology and key committees in the Church but women – such as Sydney-based Schoenstatt Sister of Mary, Sr. M. Isabell Naumann, have an essential role to play. Source: Vatican News.
Pope urges theologians to connect with experts
Pope Francis says theologians must engage with experts in other fields as they investigate and explain the Christian faith because faith in God is not abstract but affects the way people live and interact with others. Source: NCR Online.
British Dominican says Eucharist a remedy for modern body anxiety
In an age of gender and body dysphoria, the Eucharistic sacrifice is a reminder of “the great redemption of our bodies, and of Christ who gives all that he is through his body”, says British Dominican Fr Timothy Radcliffe. Source: The Catholic Weekly.
New Australian book ponders theology of the Holy Spirit
Australian theologians Dr Kevin Wagner and Dr Peter McGregor are eager to share the ideas of 20 contributors who have been pondering the theology of the Holy Spirit in their new book – Pneumatology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium. Source: The Catholic Leader.
Pope asks theologians to help ‘de-masculinise’ the Church
Asking pardon for speaking plainly, Pope Francis told members of the International Theological Commission that “one of the great sins we have had is ‘masculinising’ the Church”, which also can be seen by the fact that only five of the commission members are women. Source: CNS.
Pope calls for ‘paradigm shift’ in Catholic theology
Pope Francis has called for a “paradigm shift” in Catholic theology that takes widespread engagement with contemporary science, culture and people’s lived experience as an essential starting point. Source: CNA.
Theology of the Body comes to Australia
Visiting Theology of the Body expert Christopher West drew about 1000 people over two events in Sydney last weekend to listen to his message of hope and the meaning of human sexuality. Source: The Catholic Weekly.