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European bishops urge reflection ahead of election

Two of Europe’s leading prelates have penned a letter ahead of the European Union parliamentary elections next month, stressing the importance of solidifying European unity and identity. Source: Crux.


Heritage fund makes first grants for France’s run-down churches

France’s Heritage Foundation announced the first 100 religious buildings to be renovated by a national fund modelled on unprecedented contributions made to rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral after it was devastated by fire in 2019. Source: The Tablet.


European bishops support EU expansion, warn against ideology

Europe’s bishops have voiced support for the European Union’s future enlargement plans, saying it provides a unique opportunity to showcase the value of fraternity, but have also cautioned against the imposition of ideology and the pursuit of particular interests. Source: Crux.

Europe Saints

Church in Poland seeks beatification of murdered missionary

The Church in Poland is seeking the beatification of a young lay missionary who was murdered in a bungled robbery shortly after starting work with Catholic nuns at a children’s home in Bolivia in 2017. Source: OSV News.


Dublin school divested from archdiocese’s patronage

Archbishop Dermot Farrell of Dublin paid tribute to the role of religious orders in Irish education as a Catholic school in his diocese was this week divested to secular patronage. Source: The Tablet. 

Abortion Europe

Bishops condemn EU Parliament’s abortion resolution

The Commission of European Union bishops conferences has denounced a resolution by the European Parliament to include the right to abortion in the bloc’s Charter of Fundamental Rights. Source: The Tablet. 


The chocolate inspired by Our Lady of Lourdes

Many know Ferrero Rocher for its popular hazelnut chocolates, but the company’s tie to Our Lady of Lourdes is lesser known. Source: CNA.

Europe Religious Freedom

Vatican lodges complaint over French court case

In response to a decision by a French court to award damages to a nun dismissed from her religious order after 34 years of service, the Vatican has lodged a formal protest with the French embassy to the Holy See complaining of violations of religious freedom. Source: Crux.


Fire ‘gave us all a boost,’ says Notre Dame chaplain

For some, the Notre Dame Cathedral fire was a sign of devastation of faith and Christian values. But for many more in France, it meant awakening of faith on an unprecedented scale. Source: OSV News.