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Health Politics

Major state decisions to be excluded from COVID inquiry

Australia’s COVID-19 inquiry will call on premiers to give evidence about how they worked together during the pandemic but will not have the scope to investigate major decisions they took individually, such as lockdowns and school closures. Source: The Age.

Health Politics

Albanese to announce 12-month inquiry into COVID-19

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will today announce the long-awaited inquiry into Australia’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Source: The Age. 


ACT Government takes first STEPS towards new health precinct

The ACT Government has lodged plans for the development of a new health precinct, which will include a youth mental health service run by Marymead CatholicCare. Source: Canberra Times.


From cleaners to nurses, new dementia care training program covers entire staff

An innovative, in-house dementia care training program is seeing positive outcomes for aged care residents living with dementia – and greater understanding from staff. Source: VMCH.

Health Politics

Senate votes down bill to force inquiry into Calvary takeover

The Senate yesterday voted down a last-ditch attempt to force the ACT to conduct an inquiry into the takeover of Calvary Public Hospital Bruce. Source: Canberra Times.

Health Politics

Work to draft Calvary takeover law signed off a year before it was announced

The ACT’s Cabinet signed off on the start of work to draft a law to compulsorily acquire Calvary Public Hospital Bruce almost a year before the Government announced the takeover. Source: Canberra Times.


Doctor described as ‘an institution’ honoured at Catholic Health conference

A renowned gynaecologist/obstetrician who has worked at Melbourne’s Mercy Hospital for Women for almost 40 years has been awarded this year’s Sr Maria Cunningham Lifetime Contribution Award at Catholic Health Australia’s annual conference. 

Health Politics

Senate committee rejects call for inquiry into hospital takeover

A Senate bill to force the ACT Legislative Assembly to conduct an inquiry into the takeover of the former Calvary Public Hospital Bruce should not pass, a committee has concluded. Source: Canberra Times. 

Health Politics

Calvary inquiry told ‘self-government in ACT not a right’

Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese chancellor Patrick McArdle has told a Senate inquiry that self-government in the ACT is not a right. Source: ABC News.