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Homelessness Tasmania

Hotel’s donation helps turns house for homeless into a home

A Tasmanian hotel business has donated approximately $500,000 worth of furniture to assist the fit out of a new transitional housing facility for women at risk of homelessness in Hobart. Source: ABC News.


Number of long-term homeless jumps 25 per cent in five years

The number of Australians experiencing long-term homelessness has surged almost 25 per cent in just five years, according to new figures described as “grim” by a peak advocacy group. Source: The Guardian.


Growing number of homeless sees critical services ‘buckling’

Australia has recorded a 22 per cent increase in homelessness in the last three years, with an alarming increase in the number of employed people seeking critical services which are “buckling” under unsustainable escalations in demand. Source:


Homelessness report reveals surge in preventable deaths

Almost 1,500 people are dying in homelessness every year, with new research from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare showing a 63 per cent surge in preventable deaths. Source: The Guardian.


Plea for more housing as millions at risk of becoming homeless

A sharp increase in the number of Australians facing homelessness has prompted calls to increase the amount of social housing available for the vulnerable. Source: AAP.


Voices raised for the homeless

Two choral concerts in Victoria that honoured the lives of people who have died on the streets have raised nearly $20,000 for the homeless. Source: ACU.


Support centre for homeless gets go ahead thanks to philanthropists

Construction of a new support centre and housing for people experiencing homelessness in Perth is set to commence thanks to the generosity of key Western Australian philanthropists. Source: The eRecord.


New location for homeless outreach centre offers fresh opportunities

Inside an old brick building of a decommissioned men’s hostel in South Brisbane, volunteers in high-vis vests prepare for another busy day at the new location of homeless outreach centre, Emmanuel City Mission. Source: The Catholic Leader.


Catholic Care supports young mothers against homelessness 

A Catholic Care Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains initiative is supporting young pregnant women and mothers who urgently need a place to stay with their children. Source: Catholic Outlook.