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Migrants Oceania

Oceania support network ‘will make sure no one is forgotten’

Bishop Anthony Randazzo, president of the Federation of Catholic Bishops Conference of Oceania, has announced the creation of a network to support thousands of migrant workers, refugees and their families across the Pacific. Source: Broken Bay News.

In The Dioceses Migrants

Program helps parishioners understand plight of asylum-seekers

As Pope Francis appeals for people to “walk together, with the most vulnerable” in his message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees on September 29, Adelaide Archdiocese has launched an initiative to foster inclusion, acceptance and social cohesion. Source: The Southern Cross.

Migrants Pope Francis

Pope compares biblical Exodus with the struggles faced by migrants 

The Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office has published online resources to help Catholic communities, parishes and schools mark the World Day of Migrants and Refugees. Source: ACMRO.


Driving migrants away from safe, legal sanctuary is ‘a grave sin’: Pope 

Working to turn migrants away from the prospect of peace and security in a new country is “a grave sin”, Pope Francis said. Source: OSV News.


Conference to focus on wellbeing of seasonal workers

How faith communities can better welcome seasonal workers will be the focus of a national conference in July. Source: ACBC.

Migrants Refugees Vatican

Migrants are living image of God’s pilgrim people: Pope

In his message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Pope Francis invites people to see migration as a sign of the times and as a symbol of the Church’s pilgrimage throughout history. Source: Vatican News.

Migrants Prayer

Pope invites prayer for people forced to flee their homeland 

Pope Francis has released The Pope Video prayer intention for June, inviting the Church to pray for people who flee their home countries. Source: Vatican News. 

Education Migrants

Call for focus on refugee and migrant children

A new study has found children from migrant and refugee backgrounds are more likely to be developmentally vulnerable when starting school, causing repercussions that could carry into adulthood.  Source: SBS News. 

In The Dioceses Migrants

Broome extends its PALM to Timor-Leste workers

It was fitting that Sunday’s Gospel reading evoked the image of the vine and the branches when Our Lady Queen of Peace Cathedral in Broome hosted more than 50 people from Timor-Leste. Source: Broome Diocese.