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Disability Politics

Shorten says delay in NDIS overhaul will cost taxpayers $1 billion

Taxpayers will be $1 billion worse off, a cabinet minister has warned, after Greens and Opposition MPs teamed up to delay the federal Government’s disability support overhaul. Source: Canberra Times.

Politics Religious Freedom

Labor shelves promise to introduce religious discrimination laws

The Albanese Government has effectively shelved its push to introduce both extraordinary immigration powers and religious discrimination laws, with Labor offering few signs it will seek to deliver on its promised policies before the election. Source: ABC News.

Human Rights Politics

Parliamentary inquiry recommends national Human Rights Act

A new parliamentary report has recommended Australia pass a Human Rights Act that would make it illegal for any public authority to ignore human rights. Source: RiotACT.

Politics Violence

Domestic violence review gets underway amid calls for urgent action

The Albanese Government’s “rapid review” of how to best prevent violence against women will begin today in Sydney before its advice is delivered later this year. Source: ABC News.

Politics Religious Freedom

Government drafts hate speech bill to protect against vilification

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus is drafting new hate speech laws that will impose criminal penalties for serious instances of vilification based on a person’s race, sexuality, gender, disability or religion. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Cost Of Living Politics

Albanese ends second year with living cost appeal

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will tell Australian voters hit hard by the rising cost of living that he feels their pain and has not forgotten what it is like to “struggle and strive”. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Budget Politics

Dutton says migration cuts will ease pressures

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has used his Budget reply speech to advocate a reduction to migration numbers. Source: ABC News.

Politics Violence

Labor pledges $925m to help women leave violent relationships

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced $925 million to help victims of violence leave abusive relationships and a ban on deepfake pornography as new measures to combat violence against women. Source: The Guardian.

Politics Violence

Leaders weigh plan to track domestic violence offenders

A plan to track domestic violence offenders will be considered by federal and state leaders at a national cabinet meeting today that will also canvass stricter bail laws. Source: The Age.