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Politics Religious Freedom

Christian groups back Labor’s plan to tackle hate speech

Christian groups have swung their support behind Labor’s proposed bans on extreme hate speech as part of a new federal religious discrimination act. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Cost Of Living Politics

Albanese recalls MPs two weeks early to tackle cost-of-living crisis

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has called Labor MPs back to Canberra nearly two weeks early to discuss the cost-of-living crisis facing Australian households. Source: ABC News.

Cost Of Living Politics

Community advocates urge Government to drop tax cuts

Controversial tax cuts that would benefit high earners must be scrapped to fund desperately needed cost-of-living relief, welfare advocates say. Source: The New Daily.

Politics Prayer Victoria

Calls to abandon Lord’s Prayer ‘inward-looking and unenlightening’

Melbourne Archbishop Peter A Comensoli says the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer at the start of parliamentary sitting days “is a community call to honour God, so as to love and serve others before ourselves”. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Cost Of Living Politics

Albanese hints at more cost-of-living relief

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has hinted that more assistance could be provided to families before the May budget, signalling a shift in the Government’s position as the political pressure from rising living costs intensifies. Source: Canberra Times.

Education Politics

Catholic Education calls on Government to renew election commitments 

The National Catholic Education Commission says 2024 will be a big year for the Albanese Government to renew its commitments to faith communities and schools.

Indigenous Politics

Voice question should have been split: Wyatt

Former Indigenous affairs minister Ken Wyatt says the Voice referendum was too complicated and should have split out the question of recognition, as he called on National Cabinet to urgently focus on closing the gap. Source: The Age.

Gambling Politics

Online gambling ad ban an opportunity to cement MP’s legacy: Independents

Independents are calling on the Albanese Government to build on the legacy of the late Labor MP Peta Murphy by banning online gambling ads as Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth says it is still considering a report recommending the move. Source: The Age.

Education Politics

Productivity Commission proposal ‘direct attack on faith communities’

The National Catholic Education Commission says the proposed reforms outlined by the Productivity Commission in its draft Future Foundations for Giving report are a “direct attack on faith communities”.