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Digital Life Politics

Coalition argues misinformation bill goes too far

The Coalition says Labor’s rejigged misinformation bill will “have a chilling effect on political speech”, saying the legislation states the laws will apply to “information about electoral candidates or referendum proposals”. Source: The Australian.

Housing Politics

Albanese urges Greens to ‘get on with it’ after Senate blocks housing vote

Labor failed to secure a Senate vote yesterday on a key housing policy after almost all non-government senators blocked a motion that would have allowed one, with a minister accusing them of forming an “unbelievable alliance”. Source: SBS News.

Politics Social media

Tech companies undermine social media ban on teenagers

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s pre-election pledge to ban teenagers from social media is being undermined by tech companies refusing to enforce adequate verification barriers and delays in government trials to shield children from digital harms. Source: The Australian.

Misinformation Politics

Coalition, lawyers raise concerns about Labor’s misinformation laws 

The Coalition is likely to oppose Labor’s second attempt to legislate a crackdown on online misinformation and disinformation, amid criticism from legal experts that expanding the bill to include political content would undermine free speech. Source: The Australian.

Politics Religious Freedom

Labor waters down promised ‘hate speech’ bill

Labor has scrubbed criminal penalties for seriously vilifying minority groups from its upcoming hate crimes bill, just months after Prime Minister Anthony Albanese promised to introduce stronger measures to protect people from hate speech. Source: The Age.

Politics Social media

Albanese to announce plans to block children from social media

Children will be blocked from social media under sweeping national plans to shield young people from online harm by mandating strict age barriers in federal law and punishing tech giants that break the rules. Source: The Age.

Family Violence Politics

Labor calls on states to boost efforts to reduce domestic violence

The Albanese Government has called on the states and territories to step up efforts to reduce family violence, with the Commonwealth expected to promise a package of at least $351 million to address the issue. Source: ABC News.

Census Politics

Coalition accus Albanese of interfering with next census

The Coalition is accusing Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of inappropriately interfering with the next census, revealing it will pursue the government during the next parliamentary sitting over its mishandling of the issue. Source: The Australian. 

Disability Politics

Work begins on new disability services outside NDIS

The design of a new system of services to provide an alternative to the National Disability Insurance Scheme for Australians with milder disabilities is under way. Source: The Australian.