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Abortion Queensland

Queensland Opposition Leader under pressure over abortion stance

Conservative crossbench MPs will propose changes to Queensland’s abortion laws in the next term of Parliament, in a direct challenge to David Crisafulli’s authority over the LNP. Source: The Courier-Mail.

Politics Queensland

Bishops urge voters to stand for truth and dignity at Queensland election

Church leaders are calling on Queenslanders to stand for truth and human dignity as they head to the ballot box this month. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Abortion Queensland

Queensland inquiry rejects bill to protect babies born alive after abortion

A parliamentary committee has recommended the Queensland Government reject a bill that would protect babies who survive late-term abortions and are left to die. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Euthanasia Queensland

Coroner criticises QLD’s euthanasia laws after man takes his life with wife’s medication

A coroner has found Queensland’s euthanasia laws are not “well-considered” after an elderly man took his own life using drugs prescribed for his wife. Source: ABC News.

Abortion Queensland

Queensland Government commits $40m to abortion industry

The Miles Government has earmarked another $40 million to an initiative to bolster Queensland’s abortion industry. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Queensland Religious Freedom

State plays down concern over discrimination act changes

The Queensland Government has played down claims its changes to anti-discrimination legislation will be the most restrictive in the nation amid a threat it could become an election issue. Source: Courier-Mail.

Queensland Religious Freedom

Proposed changes to Queensland act would  ‘betray’ faith communities

Proposed changes to the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act would be a “betrayal of all faith communities” in the state, an open letter from Queensland Churches Together warns. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Homelessness Queensland

Vinnies welcomes $390m funding boost to help homeless

Queensland Premier Steven Miles has earmarked a 20 per cent bump over 18 months for Vinnies Queensland and other organisations that help people living with homelessness. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Abortion Queensland

Queensland to allow nurses and midwives to prescribe abortion pills

Queensland will become the first jurisdiction to allow nurses and midwives to prescribe medical abortion pills under new laws aimed at expanding abortion access in regional parts of the state. Source: The Australian.