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Reflection Synod

Lessons learned at 2018 Synod on Young People as valuable as ever

It is five years since Pope Francis’ letter to young people and the entire Church, Christus Vivit, which followed the Synod on Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment, writes Sebastian Duhau. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Children Reflection

Humbly walking with God, SpongeBob and kids

It is my hope that World Children’s Day will enrich parish children’s ministries in the same way that World Youth Day enriches youth ministries, writes Kate Moriarty. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Interfaith Reflection

Pilgrimage to Holy land showed the best way forward

Ten years ago, 12 of us, four Jews, four Christians and four Muslims, men and women, went on a pilgrimage, led by a rabbi, a Catholic priest and an Imam, writes Fr John Dupuche. Source: The Age.


Catholicism a battlefield? Ask the priests on the ski field

A skiing competition for priests held in Italy this month is a tiny example among countless others that despite the Church’s problems and tensions, most Catholics, much of the time, are having a blast, writes John L Allen Jr. Source: Crux.

Modern Slavery Reflection

‘Survivor voices’  follow in the footsteps of St Josephine Bakhita

The life of the slavery survivor who became a saint is a model for improving the lives of modern slavery victims, writes Moe Turaga. Source: Australian Catholic Anti-slavery Network.

Reflection Ukraine

How peeling potatoes became a Ukraine volunteer’s expression of faith

Towards the end of last year, I made the decision to travel to Ukraine to spend over a week in the city of Lviv to help with the Ukrainian war effort, writes Anthony Rodrigues. Source: Catholic Herald.

Reflection Synod

Religious leaders explore ‘gift of hope’ at Rome gathering

Religious congregational leaders from around the world met in Italy last month, to reflect upon the Synod on Synodality’s first assembly and to hear the wisdom of those who had participated, writes Sr Monica Cavanagh RSJ. Source: Pathways.


Conversion theme emerging strongly in Synod meetings: Archbishop Costelloe

Those who have been part of the synodal journey will know that Pope Francis calls us to “throw open the doors” and make the Church a welcoming home for all, writes Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB. Source: Perth Archdiocese.


An invitation to appreciate our world through the lens of God’s love

Pope Francis’ Season of Creation, which begins today and continues to October 4, sets out to awaken our respect for creation, writes Fr Andrew Hamilton SJ. Source: Catholic Outlook.