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An invitation to appreciate our world through the lens of God’s love

Pope Francis’ Season of Creation, which begins today and continues to October 4, sets out to awaken our respect for creation, writes Fr Andrew Hamilton SJ. Source: Catholic Outlook.

Reflection Ukraine

Visit confirms Church’s support for people of Ukraine

A delegation of Australian bishops, priests and laity has visited war-engulfed Ukraine in an extension of pastoral fraternity and humanitarian solidarity, writes Annie Carrett. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Media Reflection

Church in Australia marks World Communications Day

The Church in Australia yesterday marked the 57th World Communications Day, reflecting on the theme chosen by Pope Francis, “Speaking with the heart: The truth in love”, writes Fiona Basile. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

First Nations Liturgy Reflection

Remembering the first Australian Aboriginal Liturgy

It was at the Melbourne Myer Music Bowl on February 24, 1973, when many of us heard a strong and joyful Aboriginal voice for the very first time. Many voices, in fact, writes Fr Brian McCoy SJ. Source: Eureka Street.

Advent Reflection

Rediscovering the three ‘comings’ of Christ this Advent

The season of Advent, which began yesterday, is a time of spiritual renewal – a chance to start again and to rediscover the joy of knowing Jesus Christ. Source: Melbourne Catholic.