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Religious Freedom

Pakistani Christians fear reprisal after blasphemy allegation

Fear has gripped residents of a predominantly Christian neighbourhood in an eastern Pakistan city as Muslim mobs threatened to attack them for alleged blasphemy against Islam. Source: UCA News.

Religious Freedom United Nations

‘Religious hatred’ resolution approved at UN after Koran burning

The United Nations Human Rights Council has approved a controversial resolution that urges member states to prosecute acts of religious-based antagonism more aggressively. Source: The Tablet.

Religious Freedom

Religious freedom debate yet to strike the right balance: Fr Brennan

Australia has struggled to strike the right balance between freedom of religion and the right to non-discrimination in the wake of the 2017 same-sex marriage plebiscite, says Fr Frank Brennan SJ. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

New South Wales Religious Freedom

Faith leaders back mooted changes to NSW anti-discrimination laws

Faith leaders have welcomed proposed changes to New South Wales’ anti-discrimination laws to outlaw vilification on religious grounds, as part of efforts to address religious freedom in the state. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Religious Freedom South Asia

Indian bishop welcomes decision to repeal anti-conversion law

A leading Catholic bishop in India has applauded a state government’s decision to recommend repealing a controversial anti-conversion law, which critics saw as a means of intimidating religious minorities in the largely Hindu nation. Source: Crux.

Education Religious Freedom

Christian schools fight for the right to a religious education

Christian schools have asked federal politicians to declare their stance on religious education, in a fightback against discrimination reform. Source: The Australian.

Europe Religious Freedom

EU bishops welcome scrapping of proposed Danish religion law

The Brussels-based commission representing the European Union’s Catholic bishops (COMECE) has welcomed the withdrawal of a proposed law in Denmark that would have required all religious statements and homilies to be translated into Danish. Source: The Tablet.

Religious Freedom

Coalition says Labor should start again on religious freedom 

The Coalition’s new legal affairs spokeswoman, Senator Michaelia Cash, says Labor must “go back to the drawing board” on religious discrimination laws. Source: The Australian.

Religious Freedom United States

US Catholic hospital threatens to sue over sanctuary candle ban

A Catholic health system in Oklahoma has threatened to sue the United States Government over a decision to deny re-accreditation to one of its hospitals if it doesn’t follow an order to extinguish a long-lit sanctuary candle for safety purposes. Source: Crux.