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Jubilee 2025 Religious Orders

Simple lives, faithful mission – religious orders remembered

The contribution of 30 religious orders across the Canberra and Goulburn Archdiocese will be celebrated at Mass at St Christopher’s Cathedral, Canberra, as part of the Jubilee Year. Source: Catholic Voice.

Anniversary Religious Orders

Josephites celebrate golden and diamond jubilees

The Sisters of Saint Joseph have congratulated 24 Sisters from across the congregation who are this year celebrating their Golden and Diamond Jubilees, marking 50 years and 60 years since their first profession. 

Anniversary Religious Orders

Tarrawarra Abbey celebrates 70th anniversary 

Nestled in the heart of the Yarra Valley, 60 kilometres north-east of Melbourne, Tarrawarra Abbey is home to a small community of Cistercian monks. Source: Melbourne Catholic.

Jubilee 2025 Religious Orders

Catholic Religious welcome Jubilee Year with a song 

Catholic Religious Australia has captured the spirit of the Jubilee Year by releasing a song and music video, that expresses the wide range of ministries in which Religious women and men live and share the joy of the Gospel.

Religious Freedom Religious Orders

Catholic Religious Australia condemns arson attack on synagogue

Catholic Religious Australia says there is “no place in Australia for attacks on places of worship” as it condemned the arson attack on the Adass Israel Synagogue in Melbourne on Friday.

Religious Orders

Dominican Sisters appeal for help to renovate convent chapel

It’s no surprise that St Joseph Convent in Western Sydney would hold a special place in the hearts of the Dominican Sisters of St Cecilia, and for many women discerning their vocation. Source: The Catholic Weekly.

Religious Orders

Sisters share a loving message on tour of Australia

Four Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will travelled around Australia on a whirlwind 23-day visit last month. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Ecology Environment Religious Orders

Josephites continue discussion on the environment

The Josephite Laudato Si’ Action Plan team has released its second “conversation package” designed to spark discussion on the environment and Pope Francis’ encyclicals Laudato Si’ and Laudate Deum. Source: Sisters of Saint Joseph.

Anniversary Religious Orders

Loreto community to celebrate 150 years in Australia 

The Loreto community will embark on a year-long celebration in 2025 marking 150 years since Mother Gonzaga Barry and her nine companions arrived in Melbourne, later settling in Ballarat in May 1875. Source: Pathways.