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National code of conduct key to improving integrity

A national code of conduct has been released by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference for people ministering in Catholic dioceses around Australia.

In The Dioceses Safeguarding Technology

Perth Archdiocese wins international award for digital transformation

The digital transformation of Perth Archdiocese’s record management processes, spurred on by a commitment to safeguarding, has won global recognition. Source: The eRecord.

Safeguarding Vatican

Papal commission to submit first safeguarding report

The Pope’s commission for advancing the Church’s efforts to prevent the abuse of vulnerable persons is due to submit its first annual report on the state of safeguarding in the Church. Source: NCR Online.

Pope Francis Safeguarding

Church’s efforts to safeguard minors must not wane: Pope

The Church should not be discouraged by the challenge of confronting sexual abuse, Pope Francis said yesterday, rather it must take concrete steps in developing policies to preserve the dignity of its members. Source: NCR Online.

In The Dioceses Safeguarding

Key safeguarding requirements being met in Maitland-Newcastle

A safeguarding audit report of the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese published today by Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd has found the diocese is meeting key safeguarding requirements.

Abuse crisis Safeguarding Vatican

Vatican note clarifies abuse of ‘vulnerable adults’

In cases of a cleric sexually abusing a “vulnerable adult”, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith only investigates and judges cases involving “persons who habitually have an imperfect use of reason”, the Vatican said in a note published yesterday. Source: OSV News.


Panel overseeing reviews of abuse complaints holds first meeting

A meeting of the National Appeals and Review Panel, facilitated by Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd, has resulted in a greater focus on trauma-informed review processes for abuse complaints.

Families Research Safeguarding

New study looks to reduce child maltreatment in the home

New Australian Catholic University research has identified a complex interplay of child, parental, and contextual factors associated with the maltreatment of children by their families.


Maronite Eparchy demonstrates commitment to safeguarding

Key safeguarding policies are in place within the Maronite Eparchy of Australia, New Zealand and Oceania, according to an audit focusing on the safeguarding of children released by Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd today.