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Research uncovering origins of Biblical texts wins ACU competition
Evolutionary biology could help biblical scholars reconstruct the early form of the Bible’s text, according to the winner of Australian Catholic University’s Three Minute Thesis Final.
Research team to explore lay models of Church leadership
Australian Catholic University theologians will team up with one of the country’s leading governance experts to contribute to the ongoing studies into lay leadership models in the Church, including the successful Ministerial Public Juridic Persons.
Building the future of healthcare at St Vincent’s
Melbourne’s new medical research centre is one step closer to making life-saving scientific discoveries for generations to come, and St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne is playing a leading role. Source: Catholic Health Australia.
Victims treated as criminals in fight against organ trafficking
Victims are recast as offenders according to Australian Catholic University research that has identified criminal justice gaps and corruption in the fight against illegal organ trafficking bazaars.
Survey shows fostering vocations is a ‘long game’
Sydney’s younger priests are likely to have come from families where daily Mass, nightly praying of the Rosary, and reading the lives of the saints were common, a recent survey has confirmed. Source: The Catholic Weekly.
Study reveals scale of child sexual abuse in religious settings
One in 250 Australians was sexually abused during childhood by a leader or other adult in a religious organisation, new research led by Australian Catholic University shows.
Exercise means more gain, less pain for breast cancer patients
Structured exercise can improve quality of life and reduce side effects in patients with metastatic breast cancer, according to a new global study led by an Australian Catholic University researcher.
National study to probe reasons for drop in Mass attendance
The National Centre for Pastoral Research will soon commence a study of reported reasons why people who continue to affiliate as Catholics do not participate regularly in Sunday Mass. Source: The Catholic Weekly.
National survey shows Australia’s Catholics are online and multicultural
A new report has shed light on the changing nature of the Catholic Church in Australia, with more of the faithful shifting online and worshipping in non-English languages. Source: ACBC Media Blog.