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Baroness challenges effectiveness of Vatican child protection body

A founding member of the Holy See’s child protection commission has echoed criticism of its leadership and questioned the wisdom of placing the body within the Vatican’s doctrine office. Source: The Tablet.


Parents need support for ‘crucial conversations’

Australian Catholic University child protection expert Professor Daryl Higgins has issued a call to action for more support to help families safeguard their children.


New national safeguarding standards include adults at risk

Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd has today launched the second edition of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards, covering adults at risk as well as children.


Report shows Columbans making child safety a priority

A safeguarding audit report of the St Columbans Mission Society published today by Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd has found the order is well progressed in its implementation of the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards.

Abuse crisis Safeguarding

Former Federal Court justice to chair appeals panel

Former Federal Court justice Duncan Kerr has today been announced as the new chair of the Church’s National Appeals and Review Panel. Source: Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd.


Women ‘must be included’ in formation of priests

One of the Church’s leading experts on safeguarding and clerical sexual abuse says the exclusion of women from seminary formation has had “extremely harmful consequences” and this “needs to change”. Source: Crux.


Commission plans global safeguarding report

The Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors has met at the Vatican and laid the groundwork for an annual report on child protection efforts by the Church globally. Source: CNS.


Seal of the confessional ‘cannot be compromised’

The lead bishop for safeguarding in England and Wales says mandatory reporting of disclosures of child abuse cannot break the seal of the confessional because it would turn the priest “from a minister of God to an agent of the state”. Source: The Tablet.