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How old age can be a time of ‘inner growth’
Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, has written a new book reflecting on old age and highlighting how this time of life can serve as a time for inner growth. Source: CNA.
Crisis that that almost brought Australia to a standstill
Sectarianism in Australia may be a thing of the past but rifts over religion today show the need to work for peace is ever-present, says author Jeff Kildea. Source: The Catholic Weekly.
Yes proponents analyse defeat of Voice referendum
A failure of process, a shift in the nation’s temper and the city-regions divide were among factors contributing to the defeat of the Voice to Parliament referendum, leading Yes proponents said at the launch of two new books. Source: The Catholic Weekly.
New Australian book ponders theology of the Holy Spirit
Australian theologians Dr Kevin Wagner and Dr Peter McGregor are eager to share the ideas of 20 contributors who have been pondering the theology of the Holy Spirit in their new book – Pneumatology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium. Source: The Catholic Leader.
New book helps people explore Pope’s teaching on belonging
A new book guides people through an eight-day Ignatian retreat, but also provides insights into the spirituality, theology and pastoral practices of Pope Francis, according to its author, papal biographer Austen Ivereigh. Source: CNS.
Archbishop Emeritus inspired by ‘the most beautiful part of the world’
Perth Archbishop Emeritus Barry Hickey has released his memoirs, the title of which was inspired by his continuing connection with Western Australia’s Goldfields region. Source: The eRecord.
Abbot rejects ’emergency’ talk in favour of language of grace
Prominent Benedictine monk Abbot Christopher Jamison was in Sydney recently to explore some of the themes of his new book about grace and language, and how the two play a key role in public and private discourse today. Source: The Good Oil.
Australia’s 50-year relationship with Holy See brought to book
A new book from the Australian embassy to the Holy See remembers the ups and downs of Australia’s relationship with the Holy See on the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations. Source: The Catholic Leader.
Pope warns against idolatry camouflaged as sacred
Christian life is a battle each person must fight against the temptation to be self-sufficient and against a paganism disguised as sacredness, Pope Francis wrote in an introduction to a small book distributed to participants at the Synod on Synodality. Source: CNS.