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Southeast Asia

Indonesian archbishop urges Catholics to quit alcohol

An Indonesian archbishop has called on Catholics to stop drinking alcoholic beverages and described alcohol traders as big enemies of the Church who destabilise social peace and progress. Source: UCA News.

Charity In The Dioceses Southeast Asia

Brisbane parishioners helping to build monastery in Timor-Leste

High in the mountains of Timor-Leste, a monastery is taking shape with support from missionary volunteers and donations from Brisbane parishioners. Source: The Catholic Leader.

Southeast Asia Synodality

Malaysia’s new cardinal warns against division at Synod

Malaysia’s new cardinal, Cardinal-designate Sebastian Francis of Penang, has said the upcoming Synod of Bishops on Synodality ought to be an open process in which all issues are discussed without fear, and warned against using labels that cause division. Source: Crux.

Southeast Asia

Malaysian court rejects woman’s bid to return to Christianity

The High Court of Malaysia has rejected a 57-year-old woman’s bid to return to Christianity, saying it has no power to interfere in cases concerning the renunciation of Islam. Source: UCA News.

Southeast Asia

Vatican discourages Filipinos from celebrating anniversary of ‘miracle’

The Vatican has intervened to discourage Catholics in the Philippines from celebrating the 75th anniversary of an alleged Marian apparition, which the Church refused to accept as a miracle seven decades ago. Source: UCA News.

Interfaith Southeast Asia

Indonesia’s top court issues circular against interfaith marriage

Indonesia’s top court has issued a circular requesting courts not approve interfaith marriages, which contradicts the court’s 1986 ruling which makes interfaith marriages legal in the Muslim-majority nation. Source: UCA News.

Southeast Asia

Philippines bishops admit ‘failure’ in addressing alleged Marian apparition

The head of the Catholic bishops’ forum in the Philippines has admitted the bishops’ failure in addressing contradictory views about an alleged Marian apparition the Vatican in 1951 declared not to be supernatural, which recently led to the arrest of a priest. Source: UCA News.

Southeast Asia

Two children killed in Philippine terror attacks

Two children have been killed and three wounded in two shootings allegedly carried out by Islamist extremists in the insurgency-plagued Mindanao region in the southern Philippines. Source: UCA News.

Southeast Asia

Bishop in Vietnam disowns ‘fake’ priest

A bishop in Vietnam has disowned a priest ordained for his diocese in the Philippines when the laity questioned the new priest’s worthiness, saying that he was once jailed for bribery and not known to have trained in a seminary. Source: UCA News.