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Women join Vatican council that implements Synod

For the first time, women will serve on the Ordinary Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod, the committee that oversees implementation of the most recent Synod and prepares the next assembly. Source: Catholic Review.

In The Dioceses Synod

Archbishop Coleridge launches Brisbane’s SYNOD24 document

Action plans from Brisbane Archdiocese’s SYNOD24 have been published in a final document launched in the cathedral precinct last week. Source: The Catholic Leader.


Cardinals say Synod has given new life to ‘being Church’

Members of the Synod of Bishops experienced a new way of being Church and are committing to sharing it, said the two cardinals who guided its work. Source: Catholic Review.


Synod calls for all baptised Catholics to help chart a path forward

Pope Francis’ three-year consultation on the future of the Church concluded at the weekend, outlining challenges and proposing ways for all the baptised to be involved in charting a path forward. Source: NCR Online.


Synod considers the doctrinal authority of bishops’ conferences

Recognising the doctrinal authority of bishops’ conferences does not mean allowing them to reject the teaching authority of the Pope, but rather to apply Church teaching to their unique context, the prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for Bishops said yesterday. Source: Catholic Review.


Synod’s spiritual adviser urges members to be at peace with results

Even if some members of the Synod on Synodality end up feeling disappointed by its results, “God’s providence is at work in this assembly”, the spiritual adviser to the Synod says. Source: CNS.

Synod Women

Women’s ordination remains off the table at Synod

Pope Francis decided the question of ordaining women deacons was not to be discussed at the 2024 Synod of Bishops, according to the Vatican’s doctrinal chief. Source: OSV News.

Bishops Synod

Synod cannot reinvent the Catholic faith: Archbishop Fisher

We cannot “reinvent the Catholic faith” or “teach a different Catholicism in different countries”, Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP said in an interview this week. Source: CNA.


Synod begins looking at institutional changes to promote synodality

If members of the Synod of Bishops are serious about sharing their experience of “synodality” with all members of the Church, then they must identify concrete ways to do so, Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich said yesterday. Source: OSV News.