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Parish priests meet to share experiences of synodality
Some 300 parish priests from around the world are gathering in Sacrofano, outside Rome, this week for a meeting dedicated to listening, prayer, and discernment to address the question of how to be a local synodal Church on mission. Source: Vatican News.
Pope asks Catholics to prepare for Synod’s ‘prophetic’ stage
The most important outcome of the current Synod of Bishops on Synodality, Pope Francis says, is the synodal process itself and not the hot-button topics discussed. Source: CNS.
Brisbane Synod aims to ‘move forward on mission together’
Brisbane Archdiocese is holding a Synod to start putting into action the outcomes of the Plenary Council. Source: The Catholic Leader.
Pope sets up groups to study most controversial issues raised at Synod
Pope Francis has decided that some of the most controversial issues raised at the first assembly of the Synod of Bishops on Synodality will be examined by study groups that will work beyond the Synod’s final assembly in October. Source: CNS.
Listening a powerful antidote to clericalism: Synod participants
The first assembly of the Synod on Synodality demonstrated that an effective way to break the chains of clericalism and highlight the experience of women in the Church is to listen and pray together before discussing issues, say two Synod participants. Source: OSV News.
Pope launches study groups to analyse Synod’s key issues
Pope Francis has launched synodal study groups to analyse key issues ahead of October’s Synod on Synodality assembly, the Vatican announced on Saturday. Source: CNA.
Three hundred parish priests invited to listening session in Rome
Synod on Synodality organisers are inviting 300 parish priests to come to Rome for a meeting of “listening, prayer, and discernment” that will help shape the next Synod assembly discussions. Source: CNA.
National consultation for next Synod assembly begins
Catholics around Australia are being asked to contribute to a global discussion on the future of the Church. Source: ACBC.
New Synod of Bishops role for Archbishop Costelloe
Pope Francis has appointed Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB as a consultor of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops. Source: ACBC Media Blog.