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To reform the Church, adore God and love others: Pope

At the Synod on Synodality’s closing Mass, Pope Francis said God’s love cannot be confined “to our own agenda” and to truly reform the Church, people should follow Jesus’ greatest commandment: to adore God and love others. Source: CNA.


Synod’s final report shows both agreement and divergences

A report summarising discussions at the Synod on Synodality’s first assembly said the Church may need more welcoming pastoral approaches, especially to people who feel excluded, but also acknowledged fears of betraying traditional Church teachings and practices. Source: CNS.


Synod participants write letter to the ‘People of God’

The Church must continue discerning its future by listening to everyone, starting with the poorest and excluded, Synod on Synodality participants said in a letter addressed to the “People of God”. Source: CNS.


Vatican II’s discussion of tradition ‘the authority’ for Synod’s reflections

Vatican II’s discussion of tradition is the authority for the Synod on Synodality’s reflections today, Australian theologian Fr Ormond Rush told Synod members as the assembly’s final week opened yesterday. Source: CNA.


Synod assembly to issue ‘Letter to the People of God’

Members of the Synod of Bishops will issue a “Letter to the People of God” at the close of the first session of the Synod assembly, which ends on Sunday. Source: OSV News.

Bishops Synod

It’s superstitious to pin everything on the Holy Spirit: Archbishop Fisher

Catholics must be careful about “blaming everything on the Holy Spirit” during the Synod on Synodality, Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP has said in an interview. Source: CNA.

Pope Francis Refugees Synod

At Synod prayer service, Pope calls for immigration reform with a heart

Pope Francis led Synod on Synodality members in praying for migrants and refugees at a service at the Vatican last night, urging them to take to heart the parable of the Good Samaritan in helping those forced from their homeland. Source: NCR Online.

Plenary Council Synod

Plenary Council a positive and transformative experience: Bishop Mackinlay

Australia’s Plenary Council provided a “positive and transformative experience of discernment and synodality”, Sandhurst Bishop Shane Mackinlay told the Synod of Synodality on Wednesday. Source: ACBC Media Blog.


Synod members urge patience as process unfolds

Broken Bay Bishop Anthony Randazzo says synodality is “not something that is born in a vacuum” but is how Catholics “live our faith and how we proclaim the Gospel in every single moment of our day”. Source: CNS.