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History Vatican

Carbon dating sheds light on tunics claimed to belong to apostles

Once shrouded in history and legend, the so-called tunics of St Peter and St John the Evangelist have been subjected to a full restoration and carbon-dating analysis by experts at the Vatican Museums. Source: Sight Magazine.

United Nations Vatican

Modern warfare ignores civilian safe havens

The Holy See has reiterated its urgent call for the effective protection of those who face greater risks during conflict, including aid and health care workers, religious, journalists, displaced persons, women, children, and persons with disabilities. Source: Vatican News.

Middle East Vatican

Middle East conflict makes two-state solution vital

The Vatican’s foreign minister says recent events only reaffirm the Holy See’s position on a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine. Source: Rome Reports.

Supernatural Vatican

Vatican sets new rules on ‘supernatural’ occurrences

In a new crackdown aimed to prevent scams and heresies, the Vatican has updated its guidelines for reviewing apparitions, visions and alleged revelations, reaffirming that only a pope can formally deem something to be “supernatural”. Source: NCR Online.

Vatican Women

Synodal process gives women a voice: envoy

The Church’s global synodal process has made it easier for women to voice different opinions and share diverse experiences, including inside the Vatican, according to Australia’s ambassador there. Source: NCR Online. 

Supernatural Vatican

Vatican to publish new norms for investigating alleged apparitions

The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith will publish its new norms for the discernment of apparitions and other supernatural phenomena on May 17, the Vatican press office announced yesterday. Source: OSV News.


For second time in a month, weapons detected at a papal event

A priest from the Czech Republic was detained Sunday before Pope Francis’ Angelus address in St Peter’s Square after being found to have an air gun, two knives, a box cutter and a screwdriver in his bag. Source: Crux.


Pope continues reform of Vatican court system

In the latest move in his reform of the Vatican judiciary, Pope Francis has issued a new edict on the retirement age and benefits for cardinal judges and magistrates in the Vatican’s court system. Source: CNA.

Vatican Women

Pope, Council of Cardinals continue discussion of women in the Church

Pope Francis and his international Council of Cardinals this week continued discussions about the role of women in the Church, listening to women experts, including a professor who spoke about how culture impacts women’s roles and status. Source: CNS.